Friday, October 10, 2008

The Halloween Dilemma

Halloween is coming up and I have been off sugar and refined carbs for almost a year and a half now. The candy displays at the grocery store are almost impossible to avoid and I am so torn about what to do when the neighborhood kids come to my door Halloween night. Do I stick to my low carb convictions and give the kids Slim Jims instead of candy? Do I give them dark chocolate, reducing the amount of sugar I am giving them yet still give them candy? Do I give them little toys or coupons? I could get all evangelical and stand on the porch with my copy of "Good Calories, Bad Calories" and read passages from the chapter on sugar, but I don't want my pumpkins smashed or a quick trip to the local mental health care facility courtesy of their parents.

I firmly believe that sugar is destroying the health of adults and children around the world, but I also believe that kids should be kids and Halloween comes but once a year. Too bad I just know these little rug rats are going to be eating sugar in the form of cereal, sugar in the form of pasta, sugar in the form of rice, and sugar in the form of drinks loaded with high fructose corn syrup for the rest of their lives. Then their parents and school officials will try to make these poor kids lose weight by making them run, take exercise classes and give them low fat foods. More than the thought of ghost, vampires, zombies and politicians bent on "helping" me, this is my biggest nightmare.

Oh well. I can only do so much, and I am having enough trouble with my oldest son. I've been trying to convince my slightly chubby 20 year old that low carb is what he needs to drop the 5 lbs the Army wants him to lose before he enlists. If I can't convince my own stupid kid to drop the sugars, how can I expect to save the entire neighborhood?

I guess I will go with the dark chocolate option. At least if nobody shows up, it is something I can eat myself.


  1. Why not go with goose eggs - as in zero candy?

    Seriously if you believe sugar is bad for kids even in small amounts (which you should) there's no shame in refusing to support a holiday that teaches kids to gorge themselves on handouts.

    I turn my porch light off and the kids don't bother me.

  2. We don't get many kids because we are out in the country, but the 2 that live on the next farm over are our little grandkids. Last year I gave them fruit cups. There's lots of cool stuff at the dollar store that is carb free. :) Kids LOVE stickers.

  3. How, exactly, is giving kids nothing or giving them fruit cups going to get ME chocolate? LOL

  4. Stickers, temporary tatoos, crayons.

  5. I am actually leaning towards a fruity flavor of sugarless gum now. I think that would do nicely.

  6. Sugarless gum sounds like a great idea! I remember my elderly neighbor giving out quarters one Halloween. As generous as it was, none of us kids liked getting coins in place of candy!

  7. mmmm.... i have become such a chocolate snob that i'll only eat organic 80+% cocoa anymore.

    dagoba eclipse. *drool*

    but too expensive to give out. stickers rule. sugarless gum is great for kids not allergic to the fake sugars ;)

    if you need chocolate yourself, spend five bucks and get GOOD chocolate. you'd be getting crappy hershey's for halloween anyway!

  8. Yes...and the little curtain climbers would NOT appreciate 85% cocoa Green & Blacks chocolate bar :D

  9. Sugarless gum or inexpensive trinkets will last them longer too.

    BTW, that is the funniest comic ever. Mmm...pemmican.

  10. We gave peanuts this year. Hubby's idea.
