Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Best Reasons to Start a Low Carb Diet

I have a few new Examiner posts you might find interesting. One that I think came out rather well was "Best Reasons to Start a Low Carb Diet". I wrote that as part of the Examiner's BEST OF project and it was published yesterday. Links are below. I've marked the articles I published earlier on this blog as RERUNS so you can skip over those if you caught them the first time. All other posts are new.

Best Reasons to Start a Low Carb Diet

Are Diabetics Suffering for No Reason? (rerun)
Don't Have a Heart Attack. Dark Chocolate is Good For You!
Carbohydrates Clog Your Brain (rerun)
A Day At The Farmer's Market
Vitamin K(ale)

Fellow low carber and columnists Jamie Van Eaton has a new "best of" post too...
Five Best Low Carb Breakfast Ideas
Happy Reading :D


  1. My sister in law inspired me to try the low carb approach and it has worked amazingly well! I've struggled with that "extra few" my entire life and can say this is the easiest, most effective method I've ever used. It's easy to fit into my lifestyle regardless of whether I'm traveling on business, camping, entertaining or hanging with family and friends. And I feel 100% better!

    Your blog posts are such fun and so informative. Keep up the great work! I just put a link on my blog over to yours.

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